New Springfield primarily has a Five-Fold Ministry Organization. Under each of the five primary ministries are various “sub” ministries. The primary ministries include Discipleship, Evangelism, Fellowship, Service and Worship.

Discipleship Ministry

Christian Education classes occur during the year and are biblically based and offered to encourage members to develop an intimate relationship with God.

Media/Technology/Marketing/Public Affairs

At NSBMC we work to use media, technology and marketing in a positive way to remain relevant and real in the today’s changing world. Whether its cameras, the website, social media, sound or public relations you will find this part of the ministry always at work with members and the community.

New Members Orientation

The purpose of New Members Orientation is teach core beliefs of the Christian faith and to assist new members in becoming familiar with our church.

Sunday School

Weekly Sunday morning classes are offered to all ages to engage in study and discussion of God’s word.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is designed to challenge attendees to learn about God in a nurturing environment. Members come together in an informal setting to discuss the Word of God through group activities and exercises.

Evangelism Ministry - “Loving God…Loving People”

Christian Evangelism is a loving act done by biblical methods. Our love for God and His love for us can ignite powerful evangelism

Servant evangelism is a simple straight forward approach to sharing God's love in simple practical ways that everyone can do. Evangelism is the commitment to spreading the message and teachings of Jesus Christ. NSMBC strives to make evangelism a way of life for members who are trained to share God’s word to the community and to share their faith. (Matthew 28:19)


The Hospitality Ministry creates an atmosphere of love and fellowship for everyone who enters the sanctuary. It consists of meeters and greeters. Serve the Lord with Gladness (Psalm 100:2)


The Phone Ministry makes phone calls to members who are in need of prayer, who are unable to attend services and are in bereavement.


The Ushers Ministry strives to serve the Lord through serving His people. With warm smiles the Ushers welcome members and guests into the sanctuary and provide church bulletins and assist with seating during worship services and church activities. They will also serve as doorkeepers at special programs and all funerals. An usher has the heart of a servant, who works for our Lord (Colossians 3:24).

Fellowship Ministry

Fellowship involves partnership and union with Christians in the support of the Gospel and charitable work of the church (2 Cor. 8:4). The following are “sub” ministries under the primary ministry of fellowship:

Men’s Ministry

The goal of this ministry is to reach out to the inactive men of the Church and encourage their involvement in an organized and structured program that meets God’s standards and is consistent with the Pastor’s vision for the Church. Also to reach out to unsaved men. (2 Tim. 2:15; Eph. 6:10-18).

Deacon Ministry

Consists of men whose primary focus is serving God under the leadership of the Pastor in the practical ministry of the Church. They loyally support and encourage the Pastor and faithfully attend the services of the Church (Acts 6:1-6; 2 Tim. 3:8-13).

Prayer Ministry (Cards)

When made aware of a member’s illness, an appropriate card is sent on behalf of the congregation informing the member the congregation is praying for their recovery. Cards are also sent acknowledging birthday, anniversaries, and achievements. Pastor is made aware of any prayer requests. The purpose is to ensure the members they are part of a caring and loving family.


Provide members with transportation to Church services when notified of the need. Transport the youth on youth night. Provide transportation to the Villa on the Green Lake Nursing Home on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Provide Transportation to various events when needed.

Parish Nurse

The Parish Nurse provides medical assistance when needed and makes sure emergency medical support is notified if necessary. The nurse ensures the church is equipped with functional resuscitation equipment (AED, etc). The nurse arranges for life saving classes to be presented periodically through authorized agencies (e.g. American Heart Association, etc) for interested members.


The security team ensures those at the church are kept safe as possible. They attend safety presentations from authorized agencies (e.g. How to respond to active shooter situations - provided by Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, etc).

Service Ministry

Culinary Ministry

The Culinary Ministry is responsible for all food service at NSMC. This ministry handles the overall operation of the kitchen including its use and cleanliness. The ministry coordinates all food and beverages and may be called upon to support various church events.

Mission Ministry

The Missions Ministry of NSMBC is committed to telling everyone about Jesus. This ministry is committed to service, prayer and community outreach within the church, city and throughout the world. Matthew 25:35-36

Mothers Ministry

The Mothers Ministry provides spiritual guidance and support to members and the entire community. It is a group of mature women who also assist the Pastor and ministers as necessary. This ministry also prepares the communion table on the first Sunday of each month.

Nurses Ministry

The Nurses Ministry provides comfort and care to guests, members and the Pastor during regular worship services, funerals and special events. These members will assist in the case of emergencies until the appropriate medical professionals have arrived.

CLASS - Christian Ladies Anointed To Serve Our Savior (Women's Ministry)

To encourage the spiritual growth and development of each other in our church and community by providing a supportive environment of love, peace and understanding where Christ is the essence of our spirit. To always seek guidance from the Holy Spirit in all of our actions, words and deeds as we strive for excellence to be more like Christ. Galatians 5:22-26. The annual Women’s Day service is celebrated during the month of May.

Worship Ministry

Impact (Youth) Ministry

The Youth Ministry seeks to offer activities and programs to help instill strong spiritual and moral values to youth within the congregation and the community. This ministry will assist youth of all ages in ways to improve their self esteem, interpersonal skills and how to effectively meet challenges of every day life.

The Worship Ministry leads the congregation in praise and worship. This ministry consists of the NSMC Choir, Men’s Choir and Youth Choir, Praise Dance Ministry and Worship & Praise Team. Our talented directors and musicians work to follow the flow of the Holy Spirit in each worship service with the main goals being to motivate and empower the congregation to enter into God’s presence. The choirs accompany Pastor Parker at various services and participate in outreach services as required.

  • NSMBC Choir

  • Men’s Choir

  • Youth Choir

  • Praise Dance Ministry

  • Worship & Praise Team

  • Musicians